Mission Statement (Abridged)

Art is built on the foundation of ideas.

Ideas are a virus, propagating in spite of truth and logic.
Ideas power the machine that creates the art.
Often people are the machines that make the art.
Materials are often involved, the materials are ephemeral.
Art is endowed with meaning & value that doesn't represent the materials alone.
These materials are trying to impress you.

Marble crumbles, paintings fade but ideas can last forever.

The rejection of art implies a narrow and intolerant view of art and culture
that denies the diversity and creativity of human expression.

It also suggests a fear of change and innovation,
and a desire to impose a rigid and uniform order on society.

By contrast, a democratic and pluralistic approach to art would respect
and celebrate the variety and richness of artistic forms and styles,
and recognize the value of artistic freedom and experimentation.